
Baby Tooth

“My tooth is loose!” Those words represent a big milestone in your child’s life. Baby teeth have to fall out to make way for permanent teeth to grow – a process that continues until the final molars (also called wisdom teeth) are in. This can take until your child is anywhere from age 17 to […]


Dentistry during covid


Dental Myths – Demystified

1. BRUSHING IMMEDIATELY AFTER MEALS The idea behind this belief is to protect your teeth from decaying by cleaning and removing leftover food particles right after a meal. However, it may come as a surprise that brushing right after eating may cause damage to your teeth. Your tooth enamel is the hardest substance in your body, harder […]

Wisdom Tooth Facts Checked

wisdom teeth are the four teeth located right at the back of your mouth. You may need your wisdom teeth removed if they’re causing problems. The procedure for removing your wisdom teeth may vary, depending on how difficult your teeth are to remove. Upper wisdom teeth are usually less complicated to remove than lower ones. […]


Reducing the gaps….Smile Designing

Your smile is the gateway of your personality and a bright pleasant smile will create a long lasting first impression which will literally change your life. After smile design, i.e. the planning and pre-visualization of the desired end result of the esthetic dental treatment follows the creation of the designed smile, which is actually the treatment […]


Teeth Whitening..Safety measures

Professional in-office teeth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure in the world today. Unlike home-use whitening systems that incorporate low-dose bleaching agents, in-office whitening (also known as power bleaching, power whitening, professional whitening or chairside whitening) takes place under carefully monitored conditions which allow for the safe, controlled, pain-free use of a relatively high concentration of […]